European Guardianship Network


Unaccompanied children have attracted more attention in the past decade, leading slowly to a more structural and research-based approach. Aspects such as human rights, guardianship, reception and return are better documented, other areas however are still less explored. EGN aims to link to the most relevant publications.

Reports and publications

  • Children on the move - A guide to working with unaccompanied children in Europe
    This guide has been written for all those involved in the guidance and support of unaccompanied children. It is also for anyone who is simply interested in how unaccompanied children deal with the enormous task of finding their way in an unknown country after going through war, poverty, flight, traumatic experiences, loss, uncertainty and uprooting. The content is based on the knowledge and years of experience of the many participating partners who now form the European Guardianship Network (EGN). Working with these children has given them all valuable insights into who these children are and what they need.
  • EGN Workplan 2020-2025
  • ProGuard recommendation report
    Final report with information on the current state of the art and recommendations on both how to further develop policies regarding guardianship for unaccompanied and separated children in Europe and how these can be used in practice, September 2019.
  • PAS-tool
    The Pilot Assessment System (PAS)-tool can be used by Member States and national actors to assess their national guardianship system’s strengths and weaknesses and reflect on opportunities for progress, September 2019.
  • Pilot PAS Report
    This paper reviews the development and piloting of the Pilot Assessment System (PAS)-tool for the purpose of sharing lessons learned. It also makes concrete recommendations for the future use and continued development of the PAS, September 2019
  • Manual ALFACA Project
    Manual on providing family based care to unaccompanied children. ALFACA Project, 2017
  • Reception and Living in Families (RLF)
    Overview of family-based reception for unaccompanied children in the EU Member States. Final report of the RLF Project, February 2015
  • Dublin for guardians
    Final report of the Dublin Support for Guardians Project., which aimed to offer practical assistance to guardians and representatives within the European Union (EU), January 2015
  • Guardianship for Children Deprived of Primal Care
    Handbook to reinforce guardianship systems to cater for the specific needs of child victims of trafficking. Fundamental Rights Agency, 2014
  • The Right to Be Heard and Participation of Unaccompanied Minors
    Tool developed by Nidos within the context of the CONNECT Project, 2014
  • Working With the Unaccompanied Child
    Tool developed by Nidos within the context of the CONNECT Project, 2014
  • Care for Unaccompanied Minors
    Minimum standards, risk factors and recommendations for practitioners. Final report of the ENGI Project, 2011
  • Towards a European Framework of Guardianship Institutions
    Recommendations for improvement of guardianship systems in the EU Member States. Final report ENGI, 2010
  • EGN Submission European Commission Child Protection Consultation 20 November 2023
    The European Guardianship Network (EGN) welcomes the initiative of the Commission to strengthen integrated child protection integrating systems. The EGN brings together organisations which deliver guardianship to unaccompanied children across EU Member States, alongside governmental contact point in matters of guardianship, as well as European agencies and other international organisations and civil society involved in guardianship who are Affiliated Partners. We believe that integrated child protection systems are of crucial importance to respond to unaccompanied and separated children who arrive in Europe. Our attached paper provides input for the Commission Recommendations, based on our standards for guardianship.
  • IOM - A Toolkit for Front-line Workers
    A toolkit for front-line workers who work with Migrant Children at the Borders of the European Union, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom
  • EUAA/FRA Practical Tool for Guardians
    This booklet is intended to support guardians assigned to children in the asylum procedure. It covers the technical aspects of the legal procedures related to the cross-border movement of such children. This booklet covers only procedures related to international protection. It is part of a series of four practical tools for guardians of unaccompanied children with international protection needs. The objective is to support guardians in their daily tasks and responsibilities during the asylum procedure, including the procedure under the Dublin III regulation and temporary protection. The tools have been developed by the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) and FRA.
  • EGN Paper CEAS Reform
    This paper has been prepared by the European Guardianship Network (EGN) working group on the CEAS reforms to provide reflections on key issues concerning guardianship in advance of the 11th Meeting of the HOME Informal Expert Group on the Protection of Children in Migration Child-Related Aspects in the Pact: Issues of Legal Interpretation and Implementation Challenge.
  • Guidance for policy makers and practitioners on regularisation mechanisms for people transitioning into adulthood - PICUM
    Addresses one on the key reasons why children and young people enter undocumented adulthood. It delves into how procedures and permits can be designed to work better for children and young people.
  • Stepping up a collection of projects and practices helping migrant children transition into adulthood - PICUM
    Highlights 25 practices and projects supporting children and young people across the region. It includes chapters on housing, mental health and peer support, mentoring, care and aftercare, legal aid, ‘figuring things out’, regularising one’s stay, cross-border exchanges, outreach work etc.

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