European Guardianship Network

Tutori in Rete (TiR), Italy

Tutori in Rete (TiR) is the Italian network of associations of volunteer guardians, bringing together 20 regional associations and informal local groups of volunteer guardians, and the network is constantly growing.

TiR was formally established as a volunteer association in June 2023 with the aim of giving full effect to the volunteer guardianship of unaccompanied third country national (TCN) children, as established in 2017 by Italian Law No. 47/2017. According to Law No. 47/2017, which is based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, a volunteer guardian must be appointed by the juvenile court for each TCN unaccompanied child present in Italy.

The aim of TiR is to collaborate with all the institutions involved in the protection system of TNC unaccompanied children, in order to give them effective access to their rights and to pursue their best interests.

The network also facilitates the exchange of experiences and best practices between local groups and associations of volunteer guardians.


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