European Guardianship Network

New Guidance – Creating a Cycle of Protection: trafficked children

The Council of Baltic Sea States and Child Circle are happy to share with you the newly published Guidance, Creating a Cycle of Protection: Guiding principles and key considerations for developing comprehensive, child-centred cooperation to identify, support and assist trafficked children

Recent international and EU laws and policy gives new momentum to addressing challenges experienced by actors when working with trafficked children. As Member States take action to implement these new measures at national level, the Guidance encourages and supports them to take the necessary action to prioritise and respond effectively to the needs and rights of trafficked children.

A key recommendation of the Guidance is that States facilitate and strengthen cooperation between anti-trafficking and child protection systems.  In particular, the Guidance provides support for States to:

  • Commit to guiding principles in all actions concerning trafficked children
  • Bring together anti-trafficking and child protection systems by ensuring common knowledge on child trafficking and on children’s rights and needs
  • Develop or strengthen the foundations for comprehensive child focused cooperation between them, through a national action plan
  • Reinforce the key pillars of early identification and prevention of child trafficking, child-centred procedures and enhanced cross border procedures in transnational cases.

Wishing you good reading and encouraging you to share with your colleagues and partners.


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