European Guardianship Network



Kinship care is called ‘private accommodation’ and is used for minors with family members or a network in Denmark. An investigation by a social worker is done prior to placement to determine whether the family is suitable to take care of the child.

When an unaccompanied minor has been placed in kinship care pending the outcome of the asylum case, that constellation can be maintained even if the asylum claim is rejected. The kinship families have to take part in educational programmes, just like foster families.

Unaccompanied minors under the age of 12 are placed in foster care by the municipalities even when their asylum claims have not yet been processed.

The Red Cross has had extensive experience with kinship care regarding asylum-seeking children. The overall picture is mainly positive. If an unaccompanied minor has stabile family relations in Denmark – regardless of whether or not that relationship existed in the country of origin – there are tangible benefits of kinship care with adequate supervision and support as opposed to accommodation in an asylum centre.

Danish Red Cross
Blegdamsvej 27, 2100 København
+45 3525 9200

Niels Svankjær Christiansen
Programme Manager
+45 3070 0026

Administered by Nidos  –  Maliebaan 99  –  3581 CH Utrecht  –  The Netherlands  –  +31 88 5011200  –


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